Here in Toronto, one of the city's ongoing construction initiatives is the Dufferin Jog Elimination Project, meant to be completed later this year. Dufferin Street is a major street in west Toronto, one of the concession roads laid out during the original European settlement of the area, and yet for more than a hundred years it's been cut in two because of the railway. As a result, a roughly ]-shaped detour along three other streets is necessary, and that all that turning at traffic lights has a mad tendency to slow down the streetcars.
So they're extending Dufferin through the gap, in an underpass. To do this, they had to do some serious relocation of the railway lines running above - I'm not an engineer, so I don't know exactly what they did, but I do know that there wasn't any interruption to regular rail services as a result. What it means is that for a while now, the western bridge has led to nothing but sky.

It's in my 'hood. Should be interesting to see if it makes a difference.